The pipeline state is a Python dictionary that lives alongside your data; you can store values in it and, on the next pipeline run, request them back.
Read and write pipeline state in a resource
You read and write the state in your resources. Below, we use the state to create a list of chess game archives, which we then use to prevent requesting duplicates.
def players_games(chess_url, player, start_month=None, end_month=None):
# create or request a list of archives from resource-scoped state
checked_archives = dlt.current.resource_state().setdefault("archives", [])
# get a list of archives for a particular player
archives = _get_players_archives(chess_url, player)
for url in archives:
if url in checked_archives:
print(f"skipping archive {url}")
print(f"getting archive {url}")
# get the filtered archive
r = requests.get(url)
yield r.json().get("games", [])
Above, we request the resource-scoped state. The checked_archives
list stored under the archives
dictionary key is private and visible only to the players_games
The pipeline state is stored locally in the
pipeline working directory and, as a consequence, it
cannot be shared with pipelines with different names. You must also make sure that data written into
the state is JSON serializable. Except for standard Python types, dlt
handles DateTime
, Decimal
, and UUID
Share state across resources and read state in a source
You can also access the source-scoped state with dlt.current.source_state()
, which can be shared
across resources of a particular source and is also available read-only in the source-decorated
functions. The most common use case for the source-scoped state is to store a mapping of custom fields
to their displayable names. You can take a look at our
pipedrive source
for an example of state passed across resources.
Decompose your source
to, for example, run it on Airflow in parallel. If you cannot avoid that, designate one of
the resources as the state writer and all others as state readers. This is exactly what the pipedrive
pipeline does. With such a structure, you will still be able to run some of your resources in
The dlt.state()
is a deprecated alias to dlt.current.source_state()
and will soon be
Syncing state with destination
What if you run your pipeline on, for example, Airflow, where every task gets a clean filesystem and
the pipeline working directory is always deleted? dlt
your state into the destination along with all other data, and when faced with a clean start, it
will try to restore the state from the destination.
The remote state is identified by the pipeline name, the destination location (as given by the credentials), and the destination dataset. To reuse the same state, use the same pipeline name and destination.
The state is stored in the _dlt_pipeline_state
table at the destination and contains information
about the pipeline, the pipeline run (to which the state belongs), and the state blob.
has a dlt pipeline sync
command where you can
request the state back from that table.
💡 If you can keep the pipeline working directory across the runs, you can disable the state sync by setting
in yourconfig.toml
When to use pipeline state
uses the state internally to implement last value incremental loading. This use case should cover around 90% of your needs to use the pipeline state.- Store a list of already requested entities if the list is not much bigger than 100k elements.
- Store large dictionaries of last values if you are not able to implement it with the standard incremental construct.
- Store custom fields dictionaries, dynamic configurations, and other source-scoped state.
Do not use pipeline state if it can grow to millions of records
Do not use dlt
state when it may grow to millions of elements. Do you plan to store modification
timestamps of all your millions of user records? This is probably a bad idea! In that case, you
- Store the state in DynamoDB, Redis, etc., taking into account that if the extract stage fails, you'll end up with an invalid state.
- Use your loaded data as the state.
exposes the current pipeline viadlt.current.pipeline()
from which you can obtain sqlclient and load the data of interest. In that case, try at least to process your user records in batches.
Access data in the destination instead of pipeline state
In the example below, we load recent comments made by a given user_id
. We access the user_comments
table to select the maximum comment id for a given user.
import dlt
def comments(user_id: str):
current_pipeline = dlt.current.pipeline()
# find the last comment id for the given user_id by looking in the destination
max_id: int = 0
# on the first pipeline run, the user_comments table does not yet exist so do not check at all
# alternatively, catch DatabaseUndefinedRelation which is raised when an unknown table is selected
if not current_pipeline.first_run:
# get user comments table from pipeline dataset
user_comments = current_pipeline.dataset().user_comments
# get last user comment id with ibis expression, ibis-extras need to be installed
max_id_df = user_comments.filter(user_comments.user_id == user_id).select(user_comments["_id"].max()).df()
# if there are no comments for the user, max_id will be None, so we replace it with 0
max_id = max_id_df[0][0] if len(max_id_df.index) else 0
# use max_id to filter our results (we simulate an API query)
yield from [
{"_id": i, "value": letter, "user_id": user_id}
for i, letter in zip([1, 2, 3], ["A", "B", "C"])
if i > max_id
When the pipeline is first run, the destination dataset and user_comments
table do not yet exist. We skip the destination query by using the first_run
property of the pipeline. We also handle a situation where there are no comments for a user_id by replacing None with 0 as max_id
Inspect the pipeline state
You can inspect the pipeline state with the dlt pipeline
dlt pipeline -v chess_pipeline info
This will display the source and resource state slots for all known sources.
Reset the pipeline state: full or partial
To fully reset the state:
- Drop the destination dataset to fully reset the pipeline.
- Set the
flag wh^en creating the pipeline. - Use the
dlt pipeline drop --drop-all
command to drop the state and tables for a given schema name.
To partially reset the state:
- Use the
dlt pipeline drop <resource_name>
command to drop the state and tables for a given resource. - Use the
dlt pipeline drop --state-paths
command to reset the state at a given path without touching the tables and data.