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Version: 1.8.0 (latest)


Ibis is a powerful portable Python dataframe library. Learn more about what it is and how to use it in the official documentation.

dlt provides an easy way to hand over your loaded dataset to an Ibis backend connection.


Not all destinations supported by dlt have an equivalent Ibis backend. Natively supported destinations include DuckDB (including Motherduck), Postgres, Redshift, Snowflake, Clickhouse, MSSQL (including Synapse), and BigQuery. The filesystem destination is supported via the Filesystem SQL client; please install the DuckDB backend for Ibis to use it. Mutating data with Ibis on the filesystem will not result in any actual changes to the persisted files.


To use the Ibis backend, you will need to have the ibis-framework package with the correct Ibis extra installed. The following example will install the DuckDB backend:

pip install ibis-framework[duckdb]

Get an Ibis connection from your dataset

dlt datasets have a helper method to return an Ibis connection to the destination they live on. The returned object is a native Ibis connection to the destination, which you can use to read and even transform data. Please consult the Ibis documentation to learn more about what you can do with Ibis.

# get the dataset from the pipeline
dataset = pipeline.dataset()
dataset_name = pipeline.dataset_name

# get the native ibis connection from the dataset
ibis_connection = dataset.ibis()

# list all tables in the dataset
# NOTE: You need to provide the dataset name to ibis, in ibis datasets are named databases

# get the items table
table = ibis_connection.table("items", database=dataset_name)

# print the first 10 rows

# Visit the ibis docs to learn more about the available methods

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