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Version: 1.8.0 (latest)


Schema Objects

class Schema()



Naming convention used by the schema to normalize identifiers


Data item normalizer used by the schema to create tables


Normalized name of the version table


Normalized name of the loads table


Normalized name of the dlt state table


def replace_schema_content(schema: "Schema",
link_to_replaced_schema: bool = False) -> None


Replaces content of the current schema with schema content. Does not compute new schema hash and does not increase the numeric version. Optionally will link the replaced schema to incoming schema by keeping its hash in prev hashes and setting stored hash to replaced schema hash.


def coerce_row(table_name: str, parent_table: str,
row: StrAny) -> Tuple[DictStrAny, TPartialTableSchema]


Fits values of fields present in row into a schema of table_name. Will coerce values into data types and infer new tables and column schemas.

Method expects that field names in row are already normalized.

  • if table schema for table_name does not exist, new table is created
  • if column schema for a field in row does not exist, it is inferred from data
  • if incomplete column schema (no data type) exists, column is inferred from data and existing hints are applied
  • fields with None value are removed

Returns tuple with row with coerced values and a partial table containing just the newly added columns or None if no changes were detected


def apply_schema_contract(
schema_contract: TSchemaContractDict,
partial_table: TPartialTableSchema,
data_item: TDataItem = None,
raise_on_freeze: bool = True
) -> Tuple[TPartialTableSchema, List[Tuple[TSchemaContractEntities, str,


Checks if schema_contract allows for the partial_table to update the schema. It applies the contract dropping the affected columns or the whole partial_table. It generates and returns a set of filters that should be applied to incoming data in order to modify it so it conforms to the contract. data_item is provided only as evidence in case DataValidationError is raised.

Example schema_contract: { "tables": "freeze", "columns": "evolve", "data_type": "discard_row" }

Settings for table affects new tables, settings for column affects new columns and settings for data_type affects new variant columns. Each setting can be set to one of:

  • evolve: allow all changes
  • freeze: allow no change and fail the load
  • discard_row: allow no schema change and filter out the row
  • discard_value: allow no schema change and filter out the value but load the rest of the row

Returns a tuple where a first element is modified partial table and the second is a list of filters. The modified partial may be None in case the whole table is not allowed. Each filter is a tuple of (table|columns, entity name, freeze | discard_row | discard_value). Note: by default freeze immediately raises DataValidationError which is convenient in most use cases


def expand_schema_contract_settings(
settings: TSchemaContract,
default: TSchemaContractDict = None) -> TSchemaContractDict


Expand partial or shorthand settings into full settings dictionary using default for unset entities


def resolve_contract_settings_for_table(
table_name: str,
new_table_schema: TTableSchema = None) -> TSchemaContractDict


Resolve the exact applicable schema contract settings for the table table_name. new_table_schema is added to the tree during the resolution.


def update_table(partial_table: TPartialTableSchema,
normalize_identifiers: bool = True,
from_diff: bool = False) -> TPartialTableSchema


Adds or merges partial_table into the schema. Identifiers are normalized by default. from_diff


def update_schema(schema: "Schema") -> None


Updates this schema from an incoming schema. Normalizes identifiers after updating normalizers.


def drop_tables(table_names: Sequence[str],
seen_data_only: bool = False) -> List[TTableSchema]


Drops tables from the schema and returns the dropped tables


def merge_hints(new_hints: Mapping[TColumnDefaultHint, Sequence[TSimpleRegex]],
normalize_identifiers: bool = True) -> None


Merges existing default hints with new_hints. Normalizes names in column regexes if possible. Compiles setting at the end

NOTE: you can manipulate default hints collection directly via Schema.settings as long as you call Schema._compile_settings() at the end.


def update_preferred_types(new_preferred_types: Mapping[TSimpleRegex,
normalize_identifiers: bool = True) -> None


Updates preferred types dictionary with new_preferred_types. Normalizes names in column regexes if possible. Compiles setting at the end

NOTE: you can manipulate preferred hints collection directly via Schema.settings as long as you call Schema._compile_settings() at the end.


def add_type_detection(detection: TTypeDetections) -> None


Add type auto detection to the schema.


def remove_type_detection(detection: TTypeDetections) -> None


Adds type auto detection to the schema.


def get_new_table_columns(
table_name: str,
existing_columns: TTableSchemaColumns,
case_sensitive: bool,
include_incomplete: bool = False) -> List[TColumnSchema]


Gets new columns to be added to existing_columns to bring them up to date with table_name schema. Columns names are compared case sensitive by default. existing_column names are expected to be normalized. Typically they come from the destination schema. Columns that are in existing_columns and not in table_name columns are ignored.

Optionally includes incomplete columns (without data type)


def get_table_columns(table_name: str,
include_incomplete: bool = False) -> TTableSchemaColumns


Gets columns of table_name. Optionally includes incomplete columns


def data_tables(seen_data_only: bool = False,
include_incomplete: bool = False) -> List[TTableSchema]


Gets list of all tables, that hold the loaded data. Excludes dlt tables. Excludes incomplete tables (ie. without columns)


def data_table_names(seen_data_only: bool = False,
include_incomplete: bool = False) -> List[str]


Returns list of table names. Excludes dlt table names.


def dlt_tables() -> List[TTableSchema]


Gets dlt tables


def dlt_table_names() -> List[str]


Returns list of dlt table names.


def is_new_table(table_name: str) -> bool


Returns true if this table does not exist OR is incomplete (has only incomplete columns) and therefore new


def version() -> int


Version of the schema content that takes into account changes from the time of schema loading/creation. The stored version is increased by one if content was modified


  • int - Current schema version


def stored_version() -> int


Version of the schema content form the time of schema loading/creation.


  • int - Stored schema version


def version_hash() -> str


Current version hash of the schema, recomputed from the actual content


def previous_hashes() -> Sequence[str]


Current version hash of the schema, recomputed from the actual content


def stored_version_hash() -> str


Version hash of the schema content form the time of schema loading/creation.


def is_modified() -> bool


Checks if schema was modified from the time it was saved or if this is a new schema

A current version hash is computed and compared with stored version hash


def is_new() -> bool


Checks if schema was ever saved


def tables() -> TSchemaTables


Dictionary of schema tables


def clone(with_name: str = None,
remove_processing_hints: bool = False,
update_normalizers: bool = False) -> "Schema"


Make a deep copy of the schema, optionally changing the name, removing processing markers and updating normalizers and identifiers in the schema if update_normalizers is True Processing markers are x- hints created by normalizer (x-normalizer) and loader (x-loader) to ie. mark newly inferred tables and tables that seen data. Note that changing of name will break the previous version chain


def update_normalizers() -> None


Looks for new normalizer configuration or for destination capabilities context and updates all identifiers in the schema

Table and column names will be normalized with new naming convention, except tables that have seen data ('x-normalizer`) which will raise if any identifier is to be changed. Default hints, preferred data types and normalize configs (ie. column propagation) are normalized as well. Regexes are included as long as textual parts can be extracted from an expression.


def will_update_normalizers() -> bool


Checks if schema has any pending normalizer updates due to configuration or destination capabilities

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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